I have to say, it feels weird writing this. Like, it feels really weird.
It feels so weird, in fact, that I thought we could maybe put it off for a few more days in favour of ironing a few more things out and having a bit more material for you lovely folks out there to digest. It also would allow me the opportunity to quell the butterflies in my stomach and swallow my heart a few more times as it tries to escape my body via my throat. But alas, here we are.
I’m just going to come out and say it. This weekend in Winnipeg sucked. The Jets got booted from the playoffs. Gas prices continue to soar. And worst of all, the craft beer community suffered a huge setback as our friends at Kilter Brewing received some terrible news.
So in hopes of starting off your week on a good note, and in hopes of finally getting all this out there and off our chests, we have a tiny announcement to make.
Devil May Care Brewing is a thing. It’s 100% real. This “little” project that we’ve been working on for almost 3 years is happening, and it’s happening soon. We’re going to have beer in your glasses next month – June 2018. The tiny little craft brewery that could is finally ready to rock. How’s that for news, Winnipeg?
For those who have been following our beery adventure into entrepreneurship, this may come as a surprise. We struggled for financing, real estate, financing, and then real estate again seemingly in an endless loop. Then, when things were on the verge of breaking down for good, we were saved by an angel (quite literally, in fact).
On the back of this announcement, we are absolutely chuffed to announce a partner brewing agreement with the most excellent folks at Stone Angel Brewing. To DMC this is a match (pun totally intended) made in heaven. On top of absolutely crushing the beer brewing part of the biz batch after batch, these folks are top-notch. It’s been a pleasure working with them so far and we’re looking forward to all the exciting projects we’ve been discussing. They’ve been so welcoming and none of this would be possible without Stone Angel putting their trust in two homebrewers with a vision.
“We’re delighted to welcome Devil May Care to our brewing facility. The craft brewing industry is built on co-operation and sharing our space will allow both companies to grow as brewers with a mutual exchange of ideas. We’re looking forward to collaboration and the occasional pint.”
– Paul McMullan, Stone Angel Brewing
“Excited to be working with Steve and Colin, and selling their beer in our taproom. Co-operation and working with good people makes you look forward to every day. And now visiting our taproom will truly put an angel and a devil on each shoulder whispering in your ears.”
– Paul Clerkin, Stone Angel Brewing
For those that have been along for the ride with us, this is a culmination of a lot of hard work from a number of dedicated and incredibly patient people. This is where we finally get off the maybe-it’s-going-to-happen-but-it’s-probably-not rollercoaster and begin an entirely new adventure. We can’t say enough about all the support we’ve received over the past couple of years. We literally have so many nice things to say about you all that we need another post for that entirely. Please just know, for the time being, that we owe you everything.
So that’s it! Devil May Care Brewing is coming! Follow us on all the social media platforms so that we can keep you up to date with more specific dates and all the fun beery announcements we have planned. And if you see us online, out and about, or at Stone Angel, say hi – we’d love to hear from you.
See you in June, Winnipeg!